Service-Oriented Architecture takes a very customer-centric view of Service Oriented Architecture, or SOA, technology. In fact, rather than look at SOA from a technology standpoint, we start by looking from your customer's standpoint. What problems are they faced with? What solutions are relevant to meeting the objectives of the business? What systems can I provide to solve key business problems? With IT, we need a way to manage and govern our customer's service levels.

Customer-Oriented Architecture (COA) is the core philosophy of Our success is predicated on reaching your customer's goals. With this in mind, the freedom to apply today's leading SOA architectures to solve business objectives can be focused upon. Customers are first, and our technology reflects that premise.

SOA is a way of interconnecting and governing a set of disparate systems to provide a functional set of services. The goal of is to solve recurring problems with travel technology management, while opening new data avenues for business intelligence. Solutions to address the business include but are not limited to:

Ask about's Service Open Travel Architecture, or SOTA. Our vision is one the pools an entire Travel Management Company's data, to provide one global view for every customer and management alike. The goal of SOTA is to integrate via SOA, all travel data by using the Open Travel Alliance standard of data representation. derives its value by providing you with Travel Technology that Flies! So talk to us about how we can help solve your most pressing SOA and COA strategies.